How do you find your voice? You fill your own cup first! The 5th and final episode in the SUPAR Series will lift you up and give you all the reason you need to put on your oxygen mask first before you take care of others. Jamie Dahsciwitz shares in Her Grit and Graces her…
Anger As Connection in Marriage
Two weeks is enough, I heard myself saying to my spouse on the phone. This was getting hard and triggering all kinds of angry feelings. I was alone again in this marriage. I could just feel the back of my neck tightening when he said there were no truckloads back to Colorado. Connection Through Anger…
New To Sobriety, Now What?
What if the loved one you are worried about got sober overnight? Hallelujah! Right! Yes and yes. Are you finding that sobriety takes a little getting used to? What are you feeling that should be different with sobriety, but isn’t? Are you finding yourself feeling angry and upset? Are you stuffing your feelings trying not…
Signs You Might be Stress Eating
Five pounds, six pounds, seven pounds, it seems to just creep up on me. I think I have lost 100 lbs. The same 10 lbs over and over for the last 10 years. Are You A Stress Eater? Do you find yourself hunting in the cabinets for food when others around you are angry or…
Ask a Christian Counselor: Interview with Tres Adames
There is a new addition to the Sober on Purpose Podcast interviews. As we were wrapping up this first segment on codependency, I contacted another podcaster, Tres Adames, Director of Arizona Christian Counseling and host of Ask a Christian Counselor. While many families struggling with addiction seek counseling, it is often hard to know what…
Why Codependency Turns You Away From God
Could you hear me, if I told you codependency is only a symptom? The way you choose to respond to a relationship or depend on a relationship is learned. Learned really? Yes! You learned it really early in your life with your primary caregivers. Now as with all learned behaviors you can blame, shame and…
Counter Dependence The Other Codependent
We toss out codependence like we know what we are talking about these days. It started with the term co-alcoholic. This person was not necessarily drinking with the alcoholic they were wrapped up in the struggle because of family or emotional ties to the alcoholic. Al-anon became the saving grace of many families struggling to…
Codependent: What is That?
Are you codependent? Yes. We all have a dependence on others. When does it turn ugly? When does dependence turn from normal to destructive? Wait! Didn’t God supply Adam with Eve because He felt it was not good for man to be alone? (Genesis 2:22) Aren’t we supposed to live in community with other people…
God Centered Valentine’s Day Kid’s Activity
Do you need a quick, no setup, Valentine’s Day kid’s activity this week? Tell your kids your love story! Kids are often curious about how you fell in love, met, married and created them! A great Valentine’s Day Gift for Him or Her or Them. Telling the Family Love Story This Valentine’s Day kid’s activity…
Dare to Love A Difficult Person
Dare to love the most difficult person in your life this Valentine’s month. We all have them–a person in our lives that we struggle to love. Maybe, it is only a season with a difficult toddler, teen, spouse or co-worker. In Al-Anon we say that living with an addict/alcoholic is too much for most of…