Ultimate Indoor Fun! Growing up in a girl house we did not have NERF guns. Water guns maybe, but you can’t use those inside or year round. Be sure to Pin this for later.
As a mom of two sons, I carry Nerf darts in my robe pocket in case of an ambush. In fact last Christmas we all got The Nerf N-Strongarm.
Nerf Gun battles raged on throughout the holidays. Early morning ambushes were common. The Big Daddy would occasionally forget to sleep with his Nerf making him an easy weekend target.
Plus he has a great giggle and squeal – check the end of this Batboy video for the squeal.
I am now officially Celeste Terra-NERF Princess Warrior! Being in a boy family the initiation into the world of Nerf Guns was inevitable.
This year I went looking for the fastest, most accurate NERF guns that don’t require reloading. Plus the gear, the robe was slowing me down.
I included budget-friendly options too. While they may not be as accurate or hold as many bullets, if you are outfitting a whole family these NERF Guns are a lot more wallet friendly. What you don’t get in Nerf Gun performance you can make up for in stealth.
Plus, I am the one who vacuums which means I find all the stray bullets–more ammo more chances to hit the target!
So, I went looking for the fastest, most accurate NERF guns that don’t require constant reloading.
Nerf N-Strongram Blaster
These are the type we bought last year for the 4 of us. A sturdy gun that fires bullets loaded by hand versus a clip. Budget-friendly, it hovers around $13 dollars
Nerf N-Strike Elite Rampage Blaster
This sleek beauty will rain down Nerf darts on the unsuspecting family member from a distance of 75 feet!
Really need some options? Try this missile loading 2 darts style “tri strike”. Keep your playmates on the run!
Nerf Zombie Strike Flip Furry Blaster
Best run and gun nerf! Take off after your friends with a load of 12 darts. Shoot the first 6 then flip the second drum up with a flick of your hand and shoot again.
Get on your black tee and jeans; this Ninja quiet gun is the sniper’s choice. Not noisy like the clip loaded guns, the Nerf Rival Apollo shoots little round Nerf balls. These little yellow balls shoot accurately and reload so easily; no one will know you are out.
Nerf N-Strike Elite Rhino-Fire Blaster
So Star Wars, this gun comes with 50 Nerf darts which load in two barrels, plus a tripod to hold the gun steady. It is a great hallway set up for those coming out of the kitchen. Now they are trapped under your immense firepower!
Nerf N-Strike Elite AccuStrike RaptorStrike
Momma needs a new gun with clips. I can hide them in the kitchen drawer. Ready to fire instantly, this “raptorstrike” is more accurate and shoots 18 darts a clip at a 30-foot distance–plus an extendable scope. Just try and come in here and bug me about dinner!
Target Pouch Storage Carry Equipment Bag
Some days there is just no one to play with, howled my youngest! This Storage Bag doubles as a target–super mom bonus! Hang it from a tree or from a closet and practice your shooting! Next Mom plus, everything stores inside the pouch when it is time to clean up. Everyone wins!
Kids Tactical Vest Nerf N-Strike Kit
Super cool!! This has everything I need to leave my robe behind and still be Nerf prepared. The vest is cool, but look at the wrist dart holder and the reload clips. I just need a new gun that uses clips. Plus with the vest, I would look cool even in my mom sweats! If you need a little more room, try this Nerf Elite Mobile Gear Pack Vest
If a vest is too bulky, this is perfect! Strap around your waist or on your leg and go, go, go!! For those of us that wear skirts and long coats, this is even cooler. Watch out, boys!
More Nerf Accessories Here Plus More Target Shooting Ideas
Make sure to Pin this for Later!! Birthdays and Office Parties!!
Nerf Battle Racer Ride On (big wheel)
You may think I am crazy. Our boys are past this stage, but we did own a big yellow Cat front loader once upon a time. It was the size of a pony and the boys loved it. Both of them played with it for hours for several years. Then we gave it to the neighbor who loved it!
What I am saying is these toys seem extreme but my boys got a lot of mileage out of one big toy. Sure things broke, but their imaginations still ran wild with the front loader. Even after the oldest went flying down our steep windy driveway at full speed and landed in a heap the Front Loader miraculously survived (and the boy did too).They played with it for several more years.
So, if this is the stage of life of your kiddos (3-7), this might be the perfect Nerf Gun Toy for them! Here is all it includes:
Carries up to 4 Nerf Guns with a mounting stand for one.
– Placeholders for NERF blasters, brackets and darts.
– Sturdy tubular steel frame.
– NERF orange ball bearing mounted rims with low-profile tires.
– Sporty 3 Point Steering wheel for responsive, quick steering.
– Speed can be kept in check with the easy-to-use handbrake.
– Race-Styled Pedals.
– Adjustable bucket seat with hollows for NERF darts.
– Maximum weight of 110 pounds.
Awesome Bonus for Your Nerf Guns: Frustration-free Packaging
How many times have you been sitting in front of an expectant child twisting, biting, and swearing at multilayered packaging?
No more with Nerf! Check this out!
Thank you, Hasbro for making this a task that no longer has to involve tears!
If you find other great NERF products please let me know! What are your favorites? Where and what do you use for target practice? Where is your favorite hiding place for an ambush? Winter is coming I need to get my NERF Gun battle plan on!
Great info. all in one place. Thanks
Wow, a lot has changed since my kids were little! Thanks for the great post!
Not just for kids. Now they have office NERF warfare!
We’ve always loved NERF guns- and you don’t have to be a boy to wanna play either! Great round up!