When is a Recovery Group a Good Idea?
Dealing with life’s hurts, habits and hang-ups is part of being a live. But you don’t have to do it alone. Each day brings new joys and challenges. Some days we need a little more help than others. Sometimes even knowing the right questions to ask to figure out how to handle a particular life issue is hard. Jesus surrounded himself with disciples.
What Questions Do You Need Answered?
Often the hardest part in recovery of any kind is the first step. The decision to walk through the door to see what help might look like takes a lot of courage. What would opening the door look like?
Questions about Recovery Groups?
As an information engine the internet offers overviews of most recovery groups. Check out the principles and ideas behind the groups on the internet and then try a few. WARNING: All the recovery groups I have participated in feel that internet groups are helpful but not a substitute for real interaction (face-to-face with other breathing human beings). Just like TV Church, internet recovery groups are unable to offer true fellowship and accountability. Recovery Groups are also not a substitute for professional counseling or medical attention.
Try Several Recovery Groups to Find a Fit For You
Try a group more than once, go with a friend, go to different types of groups, go at different times of the day. No group is perfect because humans are in it. Walking through door the first time takes courage, opening a second or third door gets easier. Take you time and notice what in the group works for you and what does not. One of the big surprises of a recovery group is laughter. There is great relief in finding a group of people who “get you” but don’t need to fix you!
My Personal Favorite Recover Resources:
Celebrate Recovery A Christ Centered Recovery Program based on the biblical beatitudes and the twelve steps of alcoholics anonymous.
Al-anon A group for friends and family of alcoholics and addicts.
The National Association For Christian Recovery- Especially Work by Jeff Vanvonderen, Wounded by Shame Healed by Grace
Betty Ford Children’s Program Helps Children understand what happens when parents have addiction issues.
For a more comprehensive list courtesy of Why Don’t They Just Quit: Hope For Families Struggling with Addiction By Joe & Judy Herzanek,
Click Here.