What do the addict and the entrepreneur have in common? A lot according to Michael Dash author of Chasing the High: An Entrepreneur’s Mindset Through Addiction, Lawsuits, and His Journey to the Edge Find our interview with Michael here and read the highlights below. Chasing the High -Main Focus 1. There’s a dark side…
Do You Increase Giving When You Start Making More Money?
When your income expands, do you increase giving? As Christians, we are taught to give 10% of our income to the church. So the simple answer would be yes. But is that really what Jesus intended? At 26, Gregory Baumer, Co-Author of God and Money: How We Discovered True Riches At Harvard Business School,…
Why Good Christians Should NOT Tithe
I had been tithing for a while. Trying to stay in the 1O% range. In fact, I made a deal with God. I tithe faithfully on all of it and He blesses my business. Right? Malachi 3:9. Test me an see that I won’t bring all that into the storehouse. Tithing regularly to our home…
What Do I Tithe to Keep God Happy?
Tithing stresses the protestant church out! What is a tithe? Tithe literally means 10%. What do you give ten percent of– money, time, goods, everything? The first occurrence of a tithe is long before God gave Mosaic Laws and set up a covenant with the Hebrews. And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and…
A Crazy Thing Happened On the Way to The Offering Plate
A little boy in church for the first time watched as the ushers passed around the offering plates. When they came near his pew, the boy said loudly, “Don’t pay for me, Daddy, I’m under five.” Pin This Post for Later! Why Do Christians Take an Offering In the old testament, the Jews were under Mosaic…
5 Reasons Why You Already Know How to Be Your Own Boss
Be your own boss. Sounds good huh? It is good, really good, most days. As I send my kids off to school I have a plan, not to get distracted. To create! All day! At the end of the day, I want to feel like a famous painter, writer, dancer, or producer leaving their studio…
What to Do When Your Spouse is Hiding Money
I remember sitting in my Al-anon group trying to get my head around my spouse hiding money. I just could not think through this on my own. Thank you to everyone who showed up that night and every Thursday night to help me process my hurts, habits and hang-ups. The Pay Check That Never Made…
How to Deal with A Financially Irresponsible Spouse
How to deal with a financially irresponsible spouse–gently and a little at a time. The dance of marriage takes time to develop the right steps. There will be lots of stumbling over each other and starting again. Finances are the Biggest Reported Cause of Divorce The best time to work out financial details is before…
What Happens to the Family Money When the Addict Gets Sober?
What happens to the family money when the addict gets sober really depends on each family. In Alcoholic Anonymous, the Wives Chapter puts the active addict situation this way: “There was never financial security. Positions were always in jeopardy or gone. An armored car could not have brought the pay envelopes home. The checking account…
Is Codependency Killing Your Savings Account?
Does codependency make saving money virtually impossible? In the classic co-dependent relationship the “relationship rescuer” is constantly spending their money to bail out the active addict/alcoholic. This can be clearly seen in the payment of traffic tickets, court fees, re-payment of friends for loans, lawyers and jail bail. But what if, it is more subtle….