Money is a strong theme in the Bible. Over 2000 verses about money give a sometimes confusing picture. See how your money management agrees or disagrees with these strategies. Manage Your Money to Reduce Stress Pay savings like a bill. It is a habit. Just like exercise, it is a discipline. If you have…
Just Arrived! Best Birthday Gift Ever!
Best Birthday Gift I Gave Myself Ever! Financial Freedom! Whoo hooo! Before you think I won the lottery or struck it rich in an oil well, let me explain. Best Birthday Gift Ever I just finished Penny Pinchin’ Mom’s Financial Reboot Course. I am still working and raising a family, but I am no longer…
What is Really Bugging You About Money and How to Fix it
Money is the root of all evil, right? If we just gave up on money all would be well. Somehow the Bible verse that calls out “the love of money” as the root of all evil got twisted. For the Love of Money is the root of all evil, and by craving it, some…
5 Positively Powerful Financial Habits of a Woman of Valor
5 Financial habits from the Proverbs 31 Woman. Who can ever live up to those standards? Proverbs 31 is too often presented as a check list for women. Believe me or not, the true audience of this 22 line poem is a husband. Who can find a capable wife? vs. 10 Traditionally, all of Proverbs…
Does Your Sleeping Space Define Who You Are in the World?
“Your sleeping space, does it define you as a person? Does it suggest more power or less?” asked TK Devine aka The Office Hobo who spent over 500 days living undetected in an office where he worked. What Does Where You Choose to Sleep Say About Who Your Are? Speaking at the Simple Living Expo in…
Tiny Home Communities: A Breakthrough for Homelessness?
Tiny Home Communities for Homeless For many who are addicted, disabled, illiterate, or mentally ill, homelessness is a way of life. Living in shelters, group homes, prison or mental hospitals only lasts so long. Then what? Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up…
The Hidden Myths Behind Why You Want a Really Big House
Owning a really big house still dominates the American Culture. The average family size shrank from 3.37 members in 1950 to 2.5 members in 2016 according to the Census Bureau. The square footage of the single family home has doubled. Why the Big House? After researching several articles, questioning myself and friends the answer is…
It Looks Like a Tiny Home Living is For You? How to Know
It looks like a tiny home is for you? You want to simplify your life, get ride of debt, and get rid of all your stuff, right? As my husband, “I need to get in one first!” Want to rent a tiny home first? Several communities and private folks list tiny homes for rent. Will…
Are Family Tiny Homes the New Get out of Debt Free Card?
Why leave a 3000 square foot house for a Tiny Home? This family chose to radically change their lives for the better. Moving toward a minimalist life style, this family chose to give up the large house for land to grow up on debt free. Why do this over buying a RV? Expecting One More…
Is the American Dream Dying a Tiny Home Death?
I am totally obsessed with tiny homes. My best friend youtube and I spend hours watching what other people are building for themselves. Why Build a Tiny Home? Leaving the rent trap Portability No available housing in your area Off grid availability Down Sizing Simplify Life Pay off your housing in 1-2 years Just done…