I remember sitting in my Al-anon group trying to get my head around my spouse hiding money. I just could not think through this on my own. Thank you to everyone who showed up that night and every Thursday night to help me process my hurts, habits and hang-ups. The Pay Check That Never Made…
What Happens to the Family Money When the Addict Gets Sober?
What happens to the family money when the addict gets sober really depends on each family. In Alcoholic Anonymous, the Wives Chapter puts the active addict situation this way: “There was never financial security. Positions were always in jeopardy or gone. An armored car could not have brought the pay envelopes home. The checking account…
What is Really Bugging You About Money and How to Fix it
Money is the root of all evil, right? If we just gave up on money all would be well. Somehow the Bible verse that calls out “the love of money” as the root of all evil got twisted. For the Love of Money is the root of all evil, and by craving it, some…
It Looks Like a Tiny Home Living is For You? How to Know
It looks like a tiny home is for you? You want to simplify your life, get ride of debt, and get rid of all your stuff, right? As my husband, “I need to get in one first!” Want to rent a tiny home first? Several communities and private folks list tiny homes for rent. Will…
Are Family Tiny Homes the New Get out of Debt Free Card?
Why leave a 3000 square foot house for a Tiny Home? This family chose to radically change their lives for the better. Moving toward a minimalist life style, this family chose to give up the large house for land to grow up on debt free. Why do this over buying a RV? Expecting One More…
Is the American Dream Dying a Tiny Home Death?
I am totally obsessed with tiny homes. My best friend youtube and I spend hours watching what other people are building for themselves. Why Build a Tiny Home? Leaving the rent trap Portability No available housing in your area Off grid availability Down Sizing Simplify Life Pay off your housing in 1-2 years Just done…
Want More Free Time With Your Family?
I want more free time with my family how about you? When I add up the school/work day and see how many hours I truly spend face to face with my kids I feel sad. Before school, I spend about an hour with them and after school about 4 hours which includes dinner, homework, preparing…
Confessions of a Constantly Late Mom: Margins in Time Management
My time management skills are faulty from birth. Confessions of a constantly late mom are not entirely true. Most people want to give me grace because I am a mom but I have been this way as long as I can remember. Time management has been an issue for me all my life. I…
Organize Your Holiday Schedule In 15 Minutes
Holiday schedule organization in as little as 15 minutes keeps a busy home from turning into chaos. You can use a simple wall calendar and 15 minutes at a family dinner to create a plan for attending holiday parties and performances. (This post does contain affiliate links to help you find items and support the…
5 Tips for Vacations With Extended Family
I fully admit I don’t have a clue on how to travel well with extended family. Some days go well and some days not so well. Today I took some time to compile a few articles giving tips on planning and enjoying time with those you love. I pulled out a selection of great tips…