Stress Free holidays? Only if I ran away to a desert island and lived alone on coconut milk and papaya in a drift wood shack and a grass skirt. Wait, then I would just feel sad that I was not with my family. Such a pickle, the stress of creating a holiday memory or much…
What Little Treasures From Your Children are You Keeping?
Children offer us little treasures almost daily, a picture, a kind word and sometimes a holy experience. Mary, the mother of Jesus comes to mind when these holy moments happen to me. Luke says that after the angel sang and shepherds admired the baby Jesus, that Mary, instead of being frustrated at all the intrusions…
When Storm Troopers Invade Your Bedroom
Storm Troopers in the Bedroom, Oh My! When Storm Troopers invade you bedroom you duck under the covers as they are likely carrying Nerfguns set to stun! A true delight in my house is my youngest son’s love of costumes. For many years I went everywhere with a superhero. Batman, Spiderman, Cap tainAmerica, Superman or…