Hey! it is exactly one week before Thanksgiving here in the United States. Plus today is exactly 40 days until Christmas, yikes! Ever heard the phrase “Failing to plan is planning to fail?” While we know this holds true for budgeting money, food, time, and work projects what about our emotions? Family gatherings around the…
stress free thanksgiving
Kid Tested Holiday Stress Relievers That Really Work
Kid tested holiday stress relievers that really work are modeled by our children every holiday season. So, be a kid. Kids do one thing at a time. They stop what they are doing to pay attention to others. They don’t get so caught up in the To Do List they forget about people. Three…
Enjoy Stress Free Holidays This Year
Stress Free holidays? Only if I ran away to a desert island and lived alone on coconut milk and papaya in a drift wood shack and a grass skirt. Wait, then I would just feel sad that I was not with my family. Such a pickle, the stress of creating a holiday memory or much…