Elijah, noticing the name of Ghost Ranch Education and Retreat Center was a little worried about ghosts.
My biggest fear in traveling with my children happened yesterday.
Camping on Ghost Ranch, NM we just enjoyed dinner and an evening swim followed by a trip to the children’s area of Ghost Ranch’s always open library. Darkness had settled over the desert. We all donned head lamps and hopped on our bikes to ride to our camps site about 1/2 mile away on the backside of the ranch. Wesley led the way, then Elijah, then me. I stopped briefly to look at a posted schedule. As I returned to the camper I saw Wes inside and assumed Elijah had just gone to bathroom.
A busy mom, I folded laundry, got beds ready and accessed the food situation. Elijah had not been feeling well so I went to check on him.
He did not answer when I called into the men’s bathroom.
I walked in the men’s room, looked everywhere, called his name and ran back to the camper to get Wes. Re-dispensing head lamps, grabbing car keys and phones, Wes and I made a quick plan. I sent Wes back out on his bike and jumped in the truck that does not always start the first time. Uuugh!
This can’t be happening!
“Stop thinking and pray!” I said to no one in particular. I just kept asking Jesus to find my lost boy. How could I have not noticed him missing for now almost half an hour. How did he cycle off without either one of us realizing it. I jammed the truck in reverse and hurried out of the campsite. Entering the main ranch area another truck stopped beside me.
He was worried about Ghosts.
Elijah peered at me from the front seat as Mathew part of the staff said “You must be Elijah’s, Mom. He is very a smart boy. He says he is worried about ghosts.” When my heart started beating again I said, “Thank you, thank you for bringing him back safe. Elijah, where have you been?”
Turns out Elijah had at taken a wrong turn without Wes or I seeing him and wound up in the Ghost Ranch staff campground. Mathew, a former Presbyterian Minister, sorted out the problem and brought Elijah and his bike back to the right camp ground. On the way back a theological discussion took place about the reality of ghosts with Mathew assuring Elijah that ghosts were not real. Elijah responded that the Holy Ghost is real.
The Holy Ghost is Real.
I held Elijah close as I called Wesley to tell him everything was alright. Wes rushed back to grabbed his brother, “Praise God, Praise God, Praise God!” Wes shouted as he hugged Elijah. We all thanked Mathew and headed to the camper.
Thank you, Jesus for bringing Elijah back safe.
Prayer, anger, fear all seem to go hand in hand in times of crisis . God is present in these times. Do we remember? My boys did. I am still astounded that a fear riddled situation turned into an awesome place for God to joyously show up. Stopping outside the camper we all prayed and thanked God for the preciousness of Elijah’s return and our safety.
Yes, Elijah the Holy Ghost is real.
Mathew and I confirmed this for Elijah and for ourselves that night. Two cattle rustling brothers used the box canyon now know as Ghost Ranch to contain the stolen cows. The brothers made up stories about ghosts to keep the rightful owners from looking in the canyon for their lost cows. Thank you, Elijah for reminding all or us what is real.
Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven saying, “You are my son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”
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