Need fun, effective ways to get rid of Halloween Candy this fall. Try these tear free solutions with your little goblins.
It was a crazy 4-day candy free-for-all for the Joyous Family. Candy piled on candy in our home. All 4 of us were becoming tired and cranky.
Friday: An afternoon stroll down main street to trick or treat all the businesses ending with a costume contest, hot dogs, and a coke.
Saturday: Church harvest festival with–yes, homemade treats and candy.
Monday: Another close by little town has always trick or treated the night before Halloween. So, if you have friends or family there, you do that too!
Tuesday: Whew! Finally the REAL Halloween. Thank goodness it is over.
Now what do you do with the 5 pounds of candy you just hauled home?
Eat It
My husband eats it. After a binge night, he woke up swearing off Halloween Candy forever! In his dreams, the dentist had had to cut a hold in in his forehead to deal with all the tooth rot and decay. Even worse no one bandaged the hole and he just had to walk around like that! Remember to Pin for later!
Give it Away–Extra Halloween Candy
Local nursing homes love a visit from young folks. Call first and find out what the policy is about visitors and food. Have the kids put candy in baggies with a note, (God Loves You, Something Sweet For You),
Operation Gratitude – Halloween Candy For Our Troops
This is a fun one. Check first to see if there is a business in your town doing this–often a dentist office. If not, follow the instructions and mail the overload of candy to the Soldier Angel’s and they will get it to the right place.
Operation Christmas Child by the Samaritans Purse
Sending Jesus’s love around the world one child at a time. The Christmas Box provides children with a gift to open on Christmas. The deadline for boxes is Nov. 14-21 just in time for extra Halloween candy. You need to read the guidelines and plan a day to shop for and pack up this gift.
Be Scientific- Experiment with your Halloween Candy
Looking for activities to do with your kids. Eat a little; play a little. Make a diving warhead, or a potion like Harry Potter. Create your own experiment and let us know about it. Serious about Curious send the experiment to “Brains On” and ask them why sugar works like this? If you figure out how to work this into your homeschool program leave me a comment.
Buy Back Candy
Buy back the candy from your kids. Pay them money for each pound they surrender to you. Or let them out of chores for each pound that gets handed over peacefully. Don’t leave the candy at home. Give it away or throw it away!
Sugar effects all of us. You can’t eat just one! The crazy Halloween custom leaves the whole family in a stupor. Why not find fun ways to make a difference with something we don’t really need anyway. Now go buy new toothbrushes!
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What great ideas! Usually I just eat what I like and bring the rest to the school where I work in the office. I keep it in a plastic pumpkin on my desk and the kids spot it right away. The candy is is gone in pretty short order!