As a work from home mom, I need my own workspace and so does my sometimes work from home husband, This year we are attempting a shared office space. Creating a co-working space in our bedroom and the second one in our living room frees up the kitchen table.
Budget-Friendly Work Space
This cool office space design was practically free and required just a few screws and scrap wood that was laying around the house. In the master bedroom, the office design ideas need to be small, simple and doable. My Dad completed this project for us from scrap plywood and some chain from the hardware store in under two hours.
Creative Office Work Space
Taking the existing feature of our bedroom into account we used the unused TV nook as a starting point. Less than a quarter sheet of pile wood, a yard of light chain, a 2′ length of 2″x 4″ and a few screws created this stow-able small office desk. There are several options for use. The cubby above was perfect for my computer screen with an attached key board and a cup of tea on the desk itself. Hubby, on the other hand, places all the papers he is working on in the cubby and puts the computer on the desk.
Co-Working Space
Sharing an office space is hard. Sharing a desk is near impossible. The fold-down feature of this desk for small space requires each person using it to clean up their workspace after each use. One midnight run-in with the corners of this small desk and you will never leave it up again! Additionally, I have added some small drawers on the side that I found at the thrift store. Charging cords, pens, small computers, tape, hole punch, and other office supplies can easily be stored in this area,
Office Design Ideas
I have toyed with the idea of lining the TV cubby part with bookshelves or adding more simple shelving to this mini cool office design. Two things have stopped me
1) Do I really want all that work-related stuff haunting me in the bedroom?
2) Do I want this area to look cluttered? (which it would with books and shelves and stuff)
Then inspiration struck, why not add lights and make it the perfect place to take “flat lay” pictures for the blog. I created a dual-use workspace and a photo studio lightbox!!
Cool Office Work Space
What I neglected to tell you, in the beginning, is we are renters. This office is completely portable. Pull out a few screws, unhook the chains and off you go onto your next home with your small office desk ready to install. Patch the wall with a little speckle, sand lightly and it is ready for the next renter.
Whether it is budget, location, or just the love of small spaces there is always a solution to your space needs with a little inspiration. We would love to see pictures of your creative office spaces. Leave a comment and a picture below.
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