Got your pumpkin all carved but it needs a little something. Humm, how about an oozing pumpkin with neon green, or pink or even purple slim bubbling out of its mouth. Green goo sliding out of you pumpkin’s mouth for Halloween trick-or-treaters is so easy! The simplest way uses house hold ingredients that are safe and non- toxic.
Couple quick tips to make the Pumpkin Ooze more visible.
- Carve a large mouth
- Carve the mouth high on the pumpkin–top of the mouth around the middle of the pumpkin so the oozing pumpkin is highly visible.
- Clean out the pumpkin guts as much as possible. The slimy guts slow down the catalytic reactions.
- Place on a non-damageable surface–glass table top, outside side walk.
Nobody Wants Slow Moving Ooze
How to Make an Oozing Pumpkin with Baking Soda and Vinegar.
100 ml of warm water
20-30 drops of food coloring
1 T dishwashing liquid
2 T Baking Powder
200 ml Vinegar
Mix top 4 together and pour into bottom of the pumpkin. Change colors or design for a new look. Thank you Breaded Science Guy.
Yeasty Beasty Foaming Oozing Pumpkin
3% Hydrogen Peroxide
Dawn Dish Soap
Food Coloring
Yeast Mixed with warm water
This is an exothermic reaction so it will be warm and last longer than the baking soda.
The Ooozing Pumpkin Challenge!
Smoking Oozing Pumpkin
2 lbs Dry Ice
20-30 drops food coloring
2-4 cups water
2-4 T Dawn Dish Washing Soap
Mix food coloring and water and soap. Pour into bottom of the pumpkin. Drop in dry ice. Please handle dry ice with care as it can cause serious burns.
Videos of the Process
Oozing Pumpkin Carving Challenge Video
Amazing Oozing Pumpkins Spectacular
More Pumpkin!
Ten Inspiring Painted Pumpkins For the Holidays (Videos
Linda Sikes says
Looked like great fun with all the family participating!