Why can’t you just sponsor yourself? Let’s think about driving a car. You could teach yourself to drive. It is possible, people have done it; but it took time and lots of hard work. Plus, there are blind spots. Most cars are designed to give us the maximum view of our surroundings based on the…
addicted mom
Searching and Fearless: Step 4 The Work Begins
“Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of myself.” Lots of folks stop here. This means work–lots of work. It is not all bad. Stopping to look over your life will bring up all of it, the good, bad and the ugly. Courage, my friend, this is where a lot of folks get caught in the…
How I Came To Believe- Step 2
Came to believe a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity. By far my favorite Step, Step 2 bounces around in my brain on a daily bases. The promise I yearned to accept! Sanity! Sanity! I wanted sanity and serenity. A blogger friend of mine later created the term Serantity. Serenity and sanity together Seranity. I…
How to Decide to Leave An Addict?
I remember standing in the sunny kitchen of our big, big house. My toddler and infant playing on the floor in the sunlight. I asked my Al-Anon buddy on the phone; “is it time to leave him?’ When do you leave an addict? The woman I spoke with that morning knew the question well. Two children of…
Children of Addicts: Who Is Parenting the Children?
I remember kneeling to pray between the doors to my two boys rooms. Who is parenting the children I thought. Children of addicts struggle with the long-term effects of family trauma. Lord, I cried out, “I don’t know what to do. I am an angry exhausted parent. I say things I don’t mean, get frustrated…
Resources for Children in Addictive Families
My first child laughed a lot. The angry tension between his Dad and I only made him laugh more. At times this calmed us down and we laughed too. According to the Mayo Clinic laughter can: Stimulate many organs. Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs, and muscles, and increases the…
5 Reasons Camping on the 10th Step will Save Your Holidays
Holidays are a jolly old time for all of us. Wrong! Holidays for recovering and active addicted families are a struggle of the “picture perfect” colliding with the present day reality of our lives. Dusting off your 10th step will increase your likelihood of a peaceful holiday season. 10th Step Work The AA Big Book…