Tween boy clothes are just caught in the middle. Not a little boy and not the man size of the budding teen. My tween likes it all! Dress up to “soft pants” the track pants that get him to school and back. A fall trip to Europe gave us the chance to look at all his clothes and create a capsule wardrobe that will serve for back to school, travel and holidays. Plus these make great gift guide wish list items for Grandparents.
Clean Out the Closet
I never ever want to rebuy what I already have! plus I hate picking clothes up off the floor. My mother in law used to say you only need three of anything. “One to wear, one in the wash, one in the drawer.” While we hardly stick to that in our homes we will while traveling.
In cleaning out the closet I am particularly looking for things that are too small, too stained, beyond repair or the boys just don’t like and won’t wear. While I do save hand me downs from the older boy I try to cull the mass of tee shirts down to about 10.
When did we start viewing tee shirts as the go-to sign for belonging to a group? Seems like tween boys get a tee for everything they do. Why?
Let your tween boy closet clean out party begin. If you get to throw out old broken down toys like nerf guns and rotten stuffed animals what a bonus. I hate throwing away clothes that are zipped or stained. Guess what? H&M stores now take all your torn ripped and stained clothes. That’s right everything that you can’t give away they want! How great is that! The video might even inspire your kids to get rid of stuff! Recycled trainers and H&M animal shelters.
Take Pictures of What You Do Have
Take pictures of what you do have to take shopping with you. This way if you are thrift or bargain hunter like me you don’t end up with a bunch of stuff you can’t use.
Make a list. If you are cutting down don’t come home with more! More is not more. In this case, it is less. Just like food shopping stick to your list.
Must-Have List
Might Want
Do Not Need
For a small bribe, my tween boy did two photo shoots for me. It did cost me a cinnamon roll, a soft pretzel and a bag of sour patch kids but we got it done!
Tween Boys Clothes Play and Dress Gift Guides
Up until now, my tween boy’s wardrobes are mostly suited for play. Tees and track pants with holes rips and stains. This makes me worry less and enjoy the boys more. If it is really holely I will recycle it. This new option is awesome!
Play Clothes That Travel Well
Whether it is for a school trip or Christmas Break we often travel at least a few days in the fall. Here is the big difference between boys and girls a few pairs of jeans, a pair of athletic pants, a hoody and some long sleeved tees and a boy is good for weeks on the road.
Durable quick dry underwear, tees and two styles of socks makes all the difference. I never ever buy white in any of the undergarments. White is just too hard to manage while traveling. If necessary these items could be washed in the sink and hung out to dry over the shower rod.
Holiday Time Pants That Look Awesome
Maybe it is because we live in Colorado but I personally think that black jeans and a nice shirt will do for almost any dress-up occasion for tween boys. If that is not you I have included a few other options. With growing boys, I really like the adjustable waist pants. An inch or two of giving can make last years dress pants work again for this Holiday season.
Dress Shirts & Coats
Tween Boy Footwear
Getting my boys in anything that is not sneakers is a trick. I think the shoemakers realized that, finally! Now fashion sneakers stop the dress footwear arguments. Here are a few things that will go with dress pants and even suits for the holidays while still being comfortable enough to wear all day. If you still need a leather shoe try a chukka boot. Similar in style to a high top boot this even passes my son’s really picky comfort test.
Getting rid of the old non-useful clothes is a gift you give to yourself. Now with H&M they are useful again. Gather the kids, play the video make a party of it! Why not have snacks, I love it when snacks are involved.

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