The Joyous Family is off on a two month travel adventure. Looking at Elijah (9) and Wesley (11), I just could not wait any longer. My sweet boys were becoming young men and their personal schedules were trumping family scheduling. Previously, I thought 11 &13 would be ideal ages for a long road trip in the USA. Secretly, I hoped that doing this trip now will create lasting memories that would encourage the boys to want to travel with Mom in the future.

Time to Connect
Where do you find the time and money to take a two month travel adventure?
Tim Ferriss, author of the 4 Hour Work Week, explains that mini-retirements are budget-able. What looks daunting as a whole can be broken into small amounts and reserved in advance or borrowed against already saved retirement funds. Being debt free is a big factor in this equation. Last January, I asked myself “what would it take to get debt free for this trip?”

Camping is affordable and often close by. We camped with tents for years. Wonderful for shutting down the electronics.
What is important to you?
Nice cars and houses have never interested me. But travel, now, that is money well spent. My highest value I place on relationships, with friends, my family, my creator. No amount of money can buy back this precious time with my boys.
What about commitments and work?
Transitions. Most Americans aren’t aware of the effects of transitions in there lives. Transitions in age, relationships, changes in career, births, deaths, joys and disappointments we skim over them like a flick on the TV, to soothe our weary souls. The boys are going through large and small transitions which sweeps me along with them. I can ignore it, get angry about it, or embrace the new relationships that are being fostered as they grow. All of that takes time–face to face time. My greatest work is raising my children. A short career, 18 priceless years of face time that is over far to soon. So, what about work? I am in transition. I sold the spa business, got out of debt at all costs, created an affordable trip for two months and stepped into the decision with the tenacity to see it through.
Want to learn more about planning a life-changing experience? Especially for Moms? This is how I freed myself to take the two-month travel with the boys.
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