When you hide scripture in your heart it often pops out at the right times. Have you ever noticed how often Jesus says to those who are asking him something “it is written.” When the devil tempts him, Jesus replies, “it is written”, when the Pharisees accuse him he says “is it not written,” when the disciples doubt him he speaks gently to them from scripture they would have already learned.
It’s like Jesus had a Script to follow?
But He answered, “It is written: Man must not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4
Memorizing Verses is Hard
Not fair! You might say, Jesus was/is the Word; of course, he could quote scripture whenever he wanted!
Before you get too frustrated, my friend, let me tell you this. All Jewish young men of that time would have memorized what we call the old testament. Even the plain old fishermen could quote chapter and verse.
I have treasured Your word in my heart
so that I may not sin against You. Psalm 119:11
Jesus left you a Script for life too! For those moments when the kids are screaming and dinner still needs to be made–for the quiet times, the sad times, and the joyful times in your life. The Word will never fail you in any circumstance.
Hide Scripture in Your Heart With Fun Gifts
On a gray dreary morning, a cheery coffee mug or a brightly colored journal with a blessing from the Lord written on it can warm the coldest heart. My son often asks me to play “gospel” music so he can get his morning off to the right start.
A wall hanging that you pass every day may suddenly come to life just when you needed the encouragement.
“Friendsgiving” is not a once a year thing so choose something for that person who could use a boost today. Clicking on the links below also helps the Joyous Family Blog. A triple win for a simple click!
Daily Bread Scripture Verses for Your Table
This is super fun for the whole family. An old-time bread loaf that you can sit on the table that will feed your soul. It helps to have a small bite of the Word on hand to keep everyone nourished in the morning!
Make Scripture Learning A Game
They say this is how children learn, but really don’t we all learn this way. Playing together builds bonds; why not build in a Word or two from Jesus. I am sure Jesus played games with his family.
Scriptures to Remember Who You are in Christ
Sometimes I forget who I am and act like a fool. I wear a couple different wristbands to remind me who and Whose I am. Besides all the cool kids are doing it!
Who Your Are Scripture Bracelet
This one is a delicate piece of jewelry; she will be delighted to wear. Some days, just being reminded we are loved is a gift in itself.
Several times I have contemplated making signs to hang around my families neck that say, “I am a Divinely Made Child of God”. Why? Wouldn’t it make you stop mid sentence, when you were getting ready to scold your child or husband? Maybe one word “Love” would do it?
We walk by them every day. The art that fills our houses. Do we see it, sometimes; but sometimes is often the right time. It is when you are sad or lonely or just lost that you look around the room and that one verse–
“She is clothed with Strength and Dignity and She Laughs without Fear of the Future”
just jumps off the page at you. It reminds you of God’s eternal commitment to love you no matter what!
God never lies. God never breaks a promise. God never leaves. God well always hear you when you cry out to him. We all need a place to go to rest our heads, when the other humans in our lives are letting us down.
Hiding Scripture in Your Heart During the Quiet Times
His Grace in the Morning Coffee Mug
I think coffee mugs are so overdone. But… I do keep a favorite, just one. It feels right in my hand and makes me smile to see it. A few items in life just bring joy, if they are the right ONE.
Grace is Sufficient for You Journal
A must! No one can ever have enough journals. A pretty journal that folds over nicely and lays flat is my favorite type. Start the new year or a new book of praise with this pretty new journal. P. S. It matches the mug and the tee shirt. (Rarely do I coordinate things but this combo makes me giggle.)
Soothing Coloring Book to Learn the Blessing Of Scripture
OK, I don’t color. Those that do tell me it is really soothing–a way to slow the mind down and relax from a stressful day. What an awesome bedtime activity, plus this one focuses your mind on the praiseworthy beauty of God!
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things. – Philippians 4:8
My Personal Favorites: Easy to Wear Easy to Give
These last two are my favorite. I have always wished I could have a teleprompter with the right script for every occasion right in front of my face. I dream of being the wise mom that comforts her kids, speaks words of wisdom and produces cookies right when my child needs them most.
With the Armed with Truth Tattoos, I can look down at my wrist or hand and see the words to speak right in front of me. These “temp” tattoos are as easy to apply as the ones from the Cracker Jack box.
They come in verse packs and last 3-5 days. Choose identity, kids, fearless, living intentionally or something in Greek!! An awesome way to remind yourself and to share Christ with others.
Who is not going to ask about your new “Mom Tatt”? Click Here for the 2017 Advent Pack. Tell them thejoyoufamily.com sent you!
Just like Jesus, a Script is already provided for words of wisdom, kindness, peace, joy, comfort and knowledge to fall from your mouth. Placing God’s word in your mind and heart daily prepares you for the unseen trials of life.
A word spoken at the right time
is like gold apples on a silver tray. Proverbs 25:11.
Nice! We don’t all learn or maintain information the same. It is a great thing that you’ve shared various ideas for hiding the Word in our hearts, which is so important. Thank you 🙂
you are so right! I like the tattoos!