Came to believe a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity. By far my favorite Step, Step 2 bounces around in my brain on a daily bases. The promise I yearned to accept! Sanity! Sanity! I wanted sanity and serenity. A blogger friend of mine later created the term Serantity. Serenity and sanity together Seranity. I…
Are you Married to a Dry Drunk? How to tell.
After long years of waiting, praying, and most likely a crisis your husband is now substance free. Did you see large changes in the beginning and now old familiar patterns are starting to creep back into your married life? Are you married to a dry drunk? Addiction is Only a Symptom Bill W., one of the…
Valentine’s Day Prayer Challenge: Prayers For Your Husband
Valentine’s Day! Humph! I am not a super huge fan. As Justine, at Traveling By Faith, calls it Valentine’s Day AKA Single Awareness Day. Justine called for a Valentine’s Day Prayer Challenge for Single Women. I am not sure that Valentine’s Day gets any better for those of us who are not single. It just adds…
Do You Increase Giving When You Start Making More Money?
When your income expands, do you increase giving? As Christians, we are taught to give 10% of our income to the church. So the simple answer would be yes. But is that really what Jesus intended? At 26, Gregory Baumer, Co-Author of God and Money: How We Discovered True Riches At Harvard Business School,…
5 Reasons Camping on the 10th Step will Save Your Holidays
Holidays are a jolly old time for all of us. Wrong! Holidays for recovering and active addicted families are a struggle of the “picture perfect” colliding with the present day reality of our lives. Dusting off your 10th step will increase your likelihood of a peaceful holiday season. 10th Step Work The AA Big Book…
Who Should Give, When to Give, How to Give As A Christian
Giving is an often a hidden and tricky subject even in the halls of our churches. Churches call it stewardship; the secular world calls it charitable giving. As Christians what is our responsibility to God and community in the areas of giving? This post is part of a multipart series on giving and tithing after…
What Do I Tithe to Keep God Happy?
Tithing stresses the protestant church out! What is a tithe? Tithe literally means 10%. What do you give ten percent of– money, time, goods, everything? The first occurrence of a tithe is long before God gave Mosaic Laws and set up a covenant with the Hebrews. And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and…
How to Hide Scripture in Your Heart Gift Guide
When you hide scripture in your heart it often pops out at the right times. Have you ever noticed how often Jesus says to those who are asking him something “it is written.” When the devil tempts him, Jesus replies, “it is written”, when the Pharisees accuse him he says “is it not written,” when…
How We Created a No Stress Christmas Day and You Can Too!
We saved our family Christmas Day by doing nothing. Six or seven Christmases ago we started doing “nothin’ ” for Christmas Day. It came as a revelation to my husband and I when the boys were really little. (Affiliate links provided so you can find products and we can support the blog-thank you so…
5 Hacks for Leaving the House On Time (with or without kids)
I call it the SWAMP! I feel totally sucked in by all the things to do and left undone when I leave the house. Physically, it is like walking through water with weights on. I am pushing with my arms, my legs and my mind to just get out the door. Don’t ask me anything…