In making an amends list, we review our humble willingness to make a real life change. Just like Step 4, Step 8 requires putting pen to paper. Making the Amends List is separate from actually making amends to people you have harmed. What is the difference between “making an amends” and saying “I am sorry”? I am…
addiction and kids
Admitted Our Wrongs – Step 5
How do you even think about admitting our wrongs out loud? How do we even say the truth to ourselves? Here we share our experience with “Step 5–“Admitted Our Wrongs.” Shining a Light On Our Hurts, Habits, and Hang-Ups In Step 5 we bring our hurts, habits and hang-ups into the light. By doing this, as Jerry says…
How to Pray for your Addict Husband
Pray! Pray for my addict husband I screamed at God. He is my enemy! He is responsible for all this mess! Walking the dog in the early morning while my husband and my young boys slept, I talked or more often yelled at God. Exhausted, I struggled to hold it together during every day…
Children of Addicts: Who Is Parenting the Children?
I remember kneeling to pray between the doors to my two boys rooms. Who is parenting the children I thought. Children of addicts struggle with the long-term effects of family trauma. Lord, I cried out, “I don’t know what to do. I am an angry exhausted parent. I say things I don’t mean, get frustrated…