What if the loved one you are worried about got sober overnight? Hallelujah! Right! Yes and yes. Are you finding that sobriety takes a little getting used to? What are you feeling that should be different with sobriety, but isn’t? Are you finding yourself feeling angry and upset? Are you stuffing your feelings trying not…
Top 10 Tips for Emotionally Sober Holidays
Emotionally Sober denotes the awareness of our emotions as they happen and the ability to choose our responses with maturity and clarity. How do you do this during the busy holiday season? If you are like most families, you run from one holiday party to another. You grab your phone to shop Amazon in between events…
Step 12: Only the Beginning of Your Journey to Freedom
Pain normally starts most people on the 12 Step Path. There is no light, no perception of the end when we start, only promises from others. At the beginning, it is hard to imagine the 12 Simple Steps will start you on a journey to freedom. Want to talk with others who are choosing a Journey…
Searching and Fearless: Step 4 The Work Begins
“Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of myself.” Lots of folks stop here. This means work–lots of work. It is not all bad. Stopping to look over your life will bring up all of it, the good, bad and the ugly. Courage, my friend, this is where a lot of folks get caught in the…
The Night My Husband Got Sober
12 Step APPs Work the AA Twelve Steps on Your Smart Phone, Read This!
The last thing I want, after I hop into my cozy bed at night to do my daily 10th step work, is to have to get up and look for my pen and my journal. Uggh, it is cold here at night in Colorado 9 months out of the year. These 12 step apps simplify…
5 Helpful Smartphone Addiction Recovery Apps You Need to Upload
Smartphone recovery apps to keep you sober? Wow! someone was thinking! What do we always, always have with us? Lose your keys, problem, lose your wallet, that’s an issue, lose your phone, Defcon 1 emergency!! Losing your sobriety is the crisis that stops all other life crises. It is brilliant to pair the two items together….
5 Reasons Camping on the 10th Step will Save Your Holidays
Holidays are a jolly old time for all of us. Wrong! Holidays for recovering and active addicted families are a struggle of the “picture perfect” colliding with the present day reality of our lives. Dusting off your 10th step will increase your likelihood of a peaceful holiday season. 10th Step Work The AA Big Book…
Dear Wife of An Addict
Dear Wife of An Addict, Did you just lose another battle? One more push for change to control the use/abuse of a substance/lifestyle. You timed it perfectly, your argument for stopping the behavior was well thought out and rational. Anyone could see that his behavior was/is killing the family and himself. Why won’t he listen…